
  • Nicholas McCown
  • Byron Dunlap
  • Sean Smith


BOOK REVIEW: the Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston

BOOK REVIEW: the Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston

I now understand why Hunter S. Thompson was getting drunk the entire time he was covering the 1972 presidential election. After about a year and a half of 2016 election coverage, I find that a state of inebriation is the best way to deal with the terrifying reality that is presidential politics. I've also found myself wishing that Thompson was still alive today. The things he would have had to say about this election....from the rat-faced, shrill-voiced Ted Cruz to the transparently corrupt and Machiavellian Hillary Clinton, it's been a hell of a show.

But I didn't read a book about Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton. I read one about the bizarre circus act that is Donald Trump. 

A lot of people, myself included, thought that Trump's candidacy was a joke. Johnston begins his book by saying that he was not among those people. He's covered Trump for decades, and took his presidential bid seriously from the beginning. He consulted notes, interviews, and articles he'd compiled over the years to produce this book, outlining key events and moments in the man's life that are rather telling about his character. From ties to organized crime, to lies told to business partners, investors, and the media - at times over the most trivial of matters, at times concerning matters that cost people their life savings - there's a lot to digest here. 

I'm in an awkward position here - while I think the book deserves a good review, it's not really a very fun read. In fact, it ranges from enraging to downright depressing. I recommend having a stiff drink or two while you read it. You'll need something to take the edge off of the feeling of despair over the downfall of American democracy that you'll feel. But I DO recommend reading it. It's a fairly quick read - it's concisely written, not prohibitively long, and will sometimes leave you unable to put it down because you just can't fucking believe what you're reading. Because you've heard some scandalous things about him - derogatory remarks about women, name-calling, his bankruptcies, allegations of fraud concerning "Trump University" - but what you've heard likely only scratches the surface. This is a man who's disregarded the safety of construction workers in his employ, cut off financial assistance for sick family members, and engaged in just about every sleazy, underhanded business tactic I could think of. He's the very embodiment of corporate greed - his motto might as well be "fuck you - got mine."

But, for better or worse, come November, either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be elected president. 

I'm gonna go make myself another drink. 


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